FiskerFI -- The data logger for Fisker Vehicles -- Now Live. Login to create account and start seeing your data.

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FiskerFI FAQ

What is FiskerFI?

FiskerFI is a cloud-based data logger for Fisker Ocean vehicles. The system will periodically query the vehicle and continually store some of the returned data (ie battery %, mileage, location) to allow time-based analysis. Some data (ie window position, locks, seat warmer settings) are reported but only the last result.

How does FiskerFI interact with my car?

The car utilizes an API (application programming interface) that allows a program to query the vehicle. This is how the official Fisker mobile app interacts with your car. FiskerFI uses this same API.

How secure is FiskerFI?

FiskerFI uses the same access token technology that the mobile app uses. The stored data is contained within AWS datacenters upon encrypted databases. The connection between your browser and the FiskerFI application is done over encrypted (https) technology. Your FiskerFI password is stored with industry standard bcrypt algorithm. Your official Fisker username/password, that is used to generate your access tokens, is never stored in FiskerFI.

How often does FiskerFI query my car?

FiskerFI currently queries all cars in the "fleet" (vehicles registered in FiskerFI) every 2 hours. You do have the option to query your own car on an ad-hoc basis.

What data is private and what is shared with other users on FiskerFI?

All data queried from your vehicle is attached to your login and only visible there - except your software baseline. One of the key features users really want to know is "how is my cars software baseline compare to others?" To accomplish this, FiskerFI has to be able to count your baseline along with the others. No identification of who/where you are would be a part of that.

I can foresee future analysis to answer questions like "average vampire drain on software version X across the fleet?" Just like above, any data utilized there would not be associated with any particular user or vehicle.

As with any web application, system administrators would have access to everything.

What data do you actually have access to?

FiskerFI is totally dependent on the Fisker API. As of today, Fisker has not officially opened up their API to 3rd party developers so FiskerFI has been totally developed by reverse engineering the Fisker products currently existing (namely mobile app). As new data is released by Fisker it will be added to FiskerFI if appropriate.

As of 3/1/2024, there are the data elements returned via the API:

Data Element

Queried by FiskerFI?

OS Version

Yes - Series


Yes - Static


Yes - Static

Vehicle Speed

Yes - Series

Gear In Park

Yes - Static

Battery Percent

Yes - Series

Max Miles

Yes - Series

Battery Cell Temp

Yes - Series

Charge Type

Yes - Series

Remaining Charge Time

Yes - Series


Yes - Series

Doors Open )hood, LF, LR, RF, RR, truck)

Yes - Static

Location (lat, long, alt)

Yes - Series

Door locks

Yes - Static

Window position (LF,LR, LRQ, RF, RR, RRQ, RW, Sunroof)

Yes - Static

Ambient and Internal Temp

Yes - Static



Flashback Number


Online HMI


State of Charge

No (redundant)

Remaining Charge Time Full

No (always 0)

"Series" means that the value is stored repeatedly with a timestamp. Needed for trending/time analysis

"Static" means that is stored but is overwritten by the next query. Is only valid as of the last query.